Ryoshi Tales VIP

Ryoshi Tales awaits all of our enthusiastic supporters.

Get your hands on these exclusive Ryoshi Tales-themed VIP NFTs now!

Coming with 8 different traits each with relevant attributes – body, background, tools, mouth, hair, miscellaneous, eyes, clothing... every NFT is completely unique.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to participate in our project’s evolution.

Ryoshi Tales VIP
Ebisu's Bay

Ryoshi Tales VIP

Swap Price
1 Ebisu's Bay VIP
Supply: 0

1 Ebisu's Bay VIP will be swapped for 10 Ryoshi Tales VIP, 1 SeaShrine VIP, and 1 collectible Ebisu's Bay VIP. Make sure to unstake before swapping

It is time for a birthday rebranding!

As Ebisu's Bay’s VIP Founding Member NFTs turn 1 year old, our marketplace enters into a new stage of its evolution.

With these new Ryoshi Tales VIPs, you will be able to obtain the same benefits and functionalities compared to our legacy Ebisu’s Bay VIPs:

  • reduced service fees
  • discounts on drops
  • early access to features
  • staking to earn CRO


You will also get intrinsic rarity features, with additional staking functions within Ryoshi Tales once the game has been released.

Moreover, with a switch from the ERC-1155 to the ERC-721 protocol, the token stands to gain better token gating opportunities.

Get yours now and help Ebisu populate his islands in his upcoming GameFi experience!